Files For Video Editing Projects

Download Files Designed for specific exercises. To download, right-click and "save as"

They are here as a convenience in the exercises because they are designed specifically for certain exercises.


For various exercises

camelotTrombone_3mps.wmv - 8.9 mb
camelotWadeBridget_3mps.wmv - 9.3 mb

For cut-on-beat exercise

JamCut_enter_3mps.wmv - 9.8 mb
JamCut_finale_3mps.wmv - 8.1 mb
JamCut_Louis_3mps.wmv - 6.4 mb

For Two-cam cut exercise

rafanya_CamLeft_3mps.wmv - 7.8 mb (left-side camera view)
rafanya_CamRight_3mps.wmv - 7.8 mb (right-side camera view)

For the Chroma-Key exercise

KungFuGreen_3mps.wmv - 8 mb Kung-Fu Green Background (3mps)
This is the top video section with the Kun Fu hampster against a green background

GolfBalledWindshield_sml.jpg - 439 kb Golf-Ball hole in windshield
This is the back photo which goes on the track below the video. This is what shows through when you set the green background in the video (above) to be transparent.

You can also use any other photo or video behind the hampster.